Homefront: The Revolution confirmed to release in May

Homefront: The Revolution confirmed to release in May

Homefront: The Revolutions has been confirmed to be launching on May 17th on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. This game will be a first person shooter with an open world where you act as a freedom fighter in a conquered America.
This game was formerly being made by Crytek UK, which was sold later sold to Deep Silver and is made using the CryEngine. 

"Homefront: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force. 

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight. 

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia. 

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution."

Homefront: The Revolution is coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on May 17th 2016.

Source: Overclock3d.Net
Homefront: The Revolution confirmed to release in May Homefront: The Revolution confirmed to release in May Reviewed by Unknown on 00:08 Rating: 5